Sunday, March 17, 2013

Shiny Vespiquen! (3/17/13)

Yay! After 6988 encounters, I found a Female Shiny Combee & it just evolved into a beautiful Shiny Vespiquen! I'll update more later, gonna get some rest pretty soon.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Confusion... (3/11/13)

Where the fuck are the sparkles at? I can't find a goddamn shiny. Recent focus' are Combee & Panpour with Gastly, Deoxys & Cobalion on the side.

Over 5200 for Combee, doing at least 500 a day. Have hatched through Box 57, which brings me to a total of 1710 eggs for Panpour, what a bitch it's being!

Gastly is at 4590, Deoxys at 13700 & Cobalion is slightly over 2000, but I need to add my resets done today which were around 135.

Haven't found a shiny in a generation other than 5th this year, how strange is that?! Haven't found a single shiny since the 24th of February, praying for my luck to come back. I'm confused as to where it's gone & why I'm striking nothing, especially in March which usually is very good to me.

I need to start focusing on Hoothoot again, which is slowly crawling along at 21200 encounters; it's hard to strike motivation for a hunt that consumes so many systems & only appears at night, but I have to push myself. Groudon, Aron & Bagon (all end in -ON xD) are all ON (see what I did there?) hold for the moment until something appears.

I hope I get something soon...I'm dying to make another video & feel the rush of a shiny again...but until then so long...I hate droughts...

Saturday, March 9, 2013

My Luck is Gone... (3/9/13)

Still trying for my first shiny of March, as well as my first shiny since the 24th of February. After getting a very good draw in the month of January & finding five shinies, I thought 2013 may be an incredible year. February only gave me two, both Cherrims. Now March is almost 1/3 over & I don't have any yet, it seems to be getting worse by the month. My main focus' are Combee & Panpour; yet none have produced lately. I'm in my third phase in an attempt for a female Combee, first two phases yielded Shiny Cherrim's. I have hatched 53 boxes of Panpour & stocked boxed 54 & 55, my total of hatched eggs is now 1590, my longest 5th gen Masuda Method hunt. Wishing for some luck...hopefully I get some soon...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Where are you Panpour?! (3/7/13)

I'm still managing to look for a Shiny Panpour; the second of the monkey trio. I managed to get 3 Shiny Pansears by mistake; stocking 10 boxes, 3 eggs contained Shiny Pansears. The natures were Calm, Bashful & Docile, respectively. Then I managed to find a Shiny Herdier as well on this copy of Black (Black #2); all were male shinies. Maybe this is why it's taking so long to find a Shiny Panpour? I'm very unsure what is going on with the gender deal; it's very unusual to get 4 shinies in a row of the same gender, but I've managed to do it. So maybe when Panpour appears, will it be female? I'm not sure. Well, now for the progress. I had Boxes 46 & 47 stocked; none produced a shiny. Neither did Box 48. I'm in the process of stocking Box 49 right now, and with all the eggs hatched through Box 48, I have a total of 1440 eggs for this hunt; my longest 5th generation Masuda Method hunt to date as well as my second longest Masuda Method hunt ever (Remoraid at 1913 eggs on Soul Silver #1, but with lengthier odds). Anyways, I'm working diligently & hope to find this Panpour soon. Keep checking for updates. Hopefully March Madness strikes me soon!

Edit (7:53 PM): Just hatched all the eggs in Box 49, no shinies. This brings me to a total of 1470 eggs. Going to stock Box 50 now, ugh.

Edit (10:16 PM): Box 50 is fully hatched without a shiny - 1500 eggs now in total, ugh.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Where is March Madness?! (3/6/13)

Main Targets...
Deoxys [Birth Island] - 13600 Soft-Resets
Combee [Route 12] - 3100 Encounters
Cobalion - 2000 Soft-Resets
Panpour [Masuda Method] - 1350 Eggs

On and Off...
Hoothoot - 21200 Encounters
Unown [Solaceon Ruins] - 4500 Encounters
Gastly [Old Chateau] - 4300 Encounters
Honey Trees - 3400 Soft-Resets
Bagon [Meteor Falls] - 2500 Encounters
Groudon [Cave Of Origin] - 2000 Soft-Resets
Aron [Granite Cave] - 1500 Encounters
Sentret [Canyon Entrance] - 250 Encounters

Badge Quest Race

1st Badge Target - Starly [Route 201]
(1) Shiny Starly [396]

2nd Badge Target - Misdreavus [Eterna Forest]
(1) Shiny Wurmple [27328]
(2) Shiny Misdreavus [15861]

3rd Badge Target - Gastly [Old Chateau]

1st Badge Target - Canceled [N/A]

2nd Badge Target - Murkrow [Eterna Forest]
(1) 2nd Shiny Silcoon [1907]
(2) 4th Shiny Silcoon [2209]
(3) 5th Shiny Silcoon [11590]
(4) 6th Shiny Silcoon [2375]
(5) Shiny Murkrow [11084]

3rd Badge Target - Honey Trees